Why am I writing this
If you made it to this page I can share with you how documenting a war works like behind the scenes for an independent photographer. I wouldn’t want to do anything else, I believe it is a worthwhile job, but at the same time it is not by any stretch of imagination a lucrative work, in fact I often use my savings to continue to work.
To capture images where war is taking place requires for one investing in a car, driving hundreds of kilometres, covering costs of fuel, places to sleep, regular car repairs, replacing tires punctured by shrapnel on top of expensive equipment. Insurance for war zones is too expensive to even think about. As an independent photographer I hope I can provide a unique point of view, but it comes at a price of irregular income which provides a significant challenge.
Therefore, if you find value in my work please consider supporting my efforts to document war in Ukraine. My goal is to continue to work until it’s end.
You can use one of the following methods to directly support my work.